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Trillium Support Policy

Trillium Support Policy

From product development through worldwide deployment, Radisys’ customer service team provides world class technical support to its customers. This document summarizes the standard technical support procedures, notification, and reporting provided to customers during development and after deployment of the product.


  • Software Updates (provided on a when and if available basis)
    Software updates include patches and point releases – software releases that may include enhancements or bug fixes, denoted by and change in version to the right of the decimal point. For example, version 1.2 to version 1.3.

  • Online training
    Web-based training is available on the web site for operating system services interface and Trillium TAPA software architecture.

  • Customer Support
    Customer support includes access to the automated ticket submission tool. A limited number of support tickets are provided, based on the amount paid for maintenance.

Radisys will provide a unique Username and Password that will allow the customer to access the Technical Issue Tracker

All the issues are logged into the Central Support Database and tracked until they are resolved to the customer’s satisfaction. Support ticket submissions generate immediate automated email responses that provide issue-specific Customer Problem Report (CPR) numbers for tracking purposes. Customers are able to view and track the status of the outstanding Customer Problem Report (CPR) via the Radisys support website using the CPR number.

24 x 7 x 365, all day, every day:

  • Submission of Customer Problem Reports (CPR)
  • Tracking the status of open CPRs

  • Free download of software patches

  • Access to product FAQ where applicable

Customized Technical Support

In case the offered support packages do not meet a customer’s need, the customer can request a customized support package. Please work with your Radisys sales director regarding your special technical support needs.

On-Site Support

Customers may request on-site support services for issues that cannot be resolved remotely. Subject to prior agreement, Radisys can provide on-site support at a time and for a duration that is mutually agreed upon. Please contact your Radisys sales director for more information.

Technical Support Process


The severity level of a technical problem is based upon the nature and consequence of the perceived functional problem in the product when compared to documented specifications. Severity levels are used to prioritize response times, initiate technical actions, and to determine when to escalate an issue to higher levels.

Customers set the severity level of a CPR at the time of submission per the following table. In a very rare case, if a severity level does not match with the defined guideline, Radisys reserves the right to change the severity level of a CPR.

Severity Description
Critical A problem that affects features/functionality necessary for the normal operation of the product and is causing an overall system failure, network down time, or a problem that is blocking the progress of a development project or deployment of the product in the field.
High A problem that affects features/functionality necessary for the normal operation of the product but which would NOT cause an overall system failure or network down time.
Medium A problem that affects features/functionality which do not impair the normal operation of the product and/or there is a workaround for the problem.
Low A problem that does not affect the feature/functionality of the product and cosmetic in nature.


Radisys will assign reasonable technical support resources to resolve customer submitted tickets. Response will include the provision to provide a temporary work around solution when available and a subsequent, more complete and validated solution for the problem. First response received during normal business hours (8am to 5pm IST, Monday through Friday) will be sent within different timelines depending on the severity of the ticket.

Severity First Response Target Workaround
Critical 4 business hours 72 hours
High Next business day 5 business days
Medium 2 business days Future Release
Low 3 business days Future Release

Workaround timeline calculation starts when:

  • Issue is reproducible at customer lab or deployment site.

  • Defect ticket information clearly states material variance between the performance of the product as observed and the applicable specifications, as well as all internal settings and the process that reproduces the material variance: debug traces, system environment variables, test configuration information, and product usage scenario.

  • Reporting of settings may require the execution of a script or list of commands and the forwarding of the out file for analysis.

Radisys will address non-critical CPRs with an explanation, a suggestion of an alternate methodology, or a work-around. If commercially reasonable and in conformity with current product plans/releases, Radisys may incorporate a work-around for these CPRs in an Update.

Radisys will assume no responsibility for correcting any alleged software defect if the Customer fails to incorporate any update or upgrade of a product that Radisys has provided in accordance with the existing Software Licensing Agreement.


Customers may escalate a technical issue if it is not handled according to their expectation. Following is a guideline describing at which level an issue should be escalated depending on the severity of the issue and delay in resolving it.


Severity Who When
Critical Engineering Director (if assigned)
VP of Engineering
Executive Management
Within next 24 hours
2 Business days
5 Business days
High Engineering Director
VP of Engineering
Executive Management
2 Business days
3 Business days
10 Business days
Medium Engineering Director
VP of Engineering
5 Business days
7 Business days
Low Engineering Director
VP of Engineering
5 Business days
15 Business days


When Radisys decides to make a product obsolete (EOL), current customers are notified ahead of the effective EOL date. If a customer has a maintenance contract which is in effect after this date, the customer will be supported until the end of the maintenance contract. Maintenance can be extended beyond EOL date by mutual agreement between Radisys and the customer.


A software product “update” refers to a public release of a new version of a software product which corrects (patches) errors in the previous version or the product documentation. Updates include minor enhancements designated by a change in the right-most digit of the version number, e.g., a change from 1.2 to 1.3.


Radisys will support the current public release version of a software product and the immediately preceding public release version, but also all public release versions released within last eighteen (18) months. Older versions can be supported by mutual agreements between Radisys and the customer.